Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 2 - it keeps getting hotter

This week was a ton hotter than last. It's been in the 100's, but there is a breeze. Still waiting for the AFN box (to get American tv), so looks like it's move DVDs for me. As I've been here for two weeks now, I see that it's a huge mixture of people living here, who knew. However, the advantage is authentic restaurants all over the place. Monday night I ate at Swan Lake for Thai/Phillipine cuisine. It was wonderful. It's a tiny restaurant with only two waitresses, but the amount of food they put out is quite impressive. I ordered an iced tea but got this frothy concoction that looked like a milkshake but tastes like lemon iced tea. The coca cola here is much better than in the states. It tastes more syrupy instead of watery. It's delicious. You can also get just a glass of coconut milk if you like. This restaurant is located near the Souq. The Souq is a place that reminds me of Chinatown in NY. You can get anything you want; jewelry, scarves, fake purses and luggage, trinkets, food, etc. It was fun, but I think I'll go during the day next time. Near the Souq is a building called Gold City. This building is three stories of gold as far as the eye can see; all sorts of jewels, gold and pearls. Today I visited my husband's boss' house for an Ethiopian coffee service. His wife is from Ethiopia so her family made us coffee this afternoon. They roasted fresh coffee beans on a burner set on the ground. After roasting, they ground the beans, placed them in water and continued to heat it on the burner. Then they put this blue vessel on the heat and transfered the coffee to it, they poured it out, then back in, out and then back in until the coffee was ready. They served it with sugar or cream in little espresso cups. The coffee was very strong but delicious. That's all for now. Pictures and more restaurant reviews to follow shortly.

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